Purple/Blue Jacket - Sleeve and Lining

I've been working steadily on the jacket, and finally the sleeves are complete! The original pattern called for the hem between the cuffs and lining to just be pressed in place, but I wasn't pleased with how that looked. Instead, I've sealed it off with some leftover bias tape from the blue/green apron, and I definitely prefer this look. Now I need to finish the bottom (which includes elastic for the waist), and then there are some finishing stitches for structural and cosmetic reasons.

A close-up of a purple flannel sleeve with grey cuffsThe lining of a sleeve with grey cuffs, the lining is blue and green, and there's a dark blue line of bias tape between the lining and cuffs

 The unfinished blue/green lining of a jacket, with the unfinished bottom edge of purple flannel visible


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